Contact information
Opening hours
Office hours: Mon-Fri 07.30 AM - 05.00 PM CET
Quoting hours: 06.30 AM - 11.00 PM CET
Broker sales-desk
Please note we are an on-line distributor and do not give any quotes or take any requests by phone.
Contact: If you like to discuss an existing quote, get delivery status or any information - please find contact details on the quote/order, or email to sales(at)
OEM / CEM sales-desk
Contact: Please find your sales rep., e-mail and phone number on the quote/order, or email to oemsales(at) and we will contact you.
For any other issue (like account status, request possibilities, RMA etc) please contact support(at)
Sales office
Bergsundsstrand 3
135 70 Stockholm
Logistical center
Blockvagen 3
352 45 Vaxjo
Purchasing from OEM & CEM
Contact purchase(at) and we will reconnect.