We buy electronic surplus and excess inventory
Excess management
We offer a variety of services for the management of surplus components, bankruptcy stocks, closed or expired projects, and so on. With one of Northern Europe's largest stock of electronic components(3000sqm), we can offer a wide range of logistics solutions such as excess purchase, consignment inventory. Our warehouse is humidity controlled, procedures and packing surfaces are adapted to Jedec standard.

Wholesale buying
We buy all sizes and types of electronics lots. The price depends on the prevailing market conditions and the types of components included in the lot.
Contract and bar sales
You retain the product and leave all or part of the sales process to Eurodis. We have customers around the world and know the prices on a market that can be difficult to manoeuvre on.
Want to get the maximum return on your surplus products without worrying about sales and logistics? Are the going rate for products high while direct sales are not currently the best option? Need to free up storage space? If you answer yes to any or some of these questions, selling through consignment is advised. One form of the commission sales means that goods will remain the first owner´s property until they are sold to third parties. The owner always has full insight in sales in progress and also receives online via the password-protected extranet. Our logistics centre is located in Sweden, but options are also available in Hong Kong, China and the United States.

Please email purchase(at)eurodis.nu and we will contact you(OEM and CEM only).